
Florida Man Braves Hurricane To Yell ‘Dicks Out For Harambe’ And Is Everybody’s New Hero

A West Palm Beach local braved a hurricane and a half-furious, half-amused reporter when he interrupted a local news cast to show his support for dearly departed Harmabe.

Local reporter Farron Salley was filming an update on the storm when she noted that, while most people had evacuated, there were still a few people braving the beaches.

It was then that one of those people decided to use the opportunity to promote a cause close to his heart and at the same time become a hero to us all.

As Salley continued her report the guy ran up the beach behind her yelling, “Dicks out for Harambe!”

It took Salley a few moments to regain her composure and get back to reporting, but that was all the time this guy needed to become a living legend.

Click below to see our new hero in action:


H/T: Mediaite

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