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VIDEO: Vegan Activists Protest ‘Speciesism’ in the Most Gruesome Way

This is seriously fucked up.

Vegan “activists” have always put on protests that are just as crazy as they are.



In the past, vegan activists have been known to throw fake blood on fur coats, storm restaurants and grocery stores to harras members of the public who are purchasing food, and do other ridiculous demonstrations.

PETA once put on a “Make-Out Tour”, where, according to PETA’s site, “two PETA members — a U.S. Marine and Iraq War vet wearing only boxer shorts and a raven-haired beauty decked out in sexy lingerie — will passionately make out in a bed in order to make the point that vegetarians are better lovers.”

Another time, they launched a  “Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign, where they claimed, “like the Jews murdered in concentration camps, animals are terrorized when they are housed in huge filthy warehouses and rounded up for shipment to slaughter. The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalents of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps.”

And recently, they released a statement claiming that cheese is the product of rape, kidnapping, abuse, and a slew of other vile deeds.

They recently have kicked their craziness up a few notches, however.


What’s Happening Now:

All over London, these crazed vegans are putting on all kinds of demonstrations. I’m typically not one of those “But what about the children?” kind of people, but this public demonstration is a little fucked up. I’m honestly hoping they didn’t scar any children.

Supporters of Direct Action Everywhere took to the streets in central London to urge people to stop eating meat by laying down naked in huge plastic bags covered in blood with labels that read “HUMAN MEAT.”

Seriously, watch the video at the end of the page.

This was part of their equally crazy event titled the “World Day for the End of Speciesism.”

The definition of Speciesism, according to their event page, is “an ideology that considers the lives and interests of animals as not worthy of respect simply because they belong to another species.”

“We as vegans want to show other people that there is a compassionate way to live and how to treat animals,” said one vegan protester. “We want to stop this animal cruelty – stop the meat trade, the fur trade, the leather trade. We want to show people that there is a way of living without animal products.”

This isn’t the first time they’ve pulled a stunt like this in central London, either. On World Vegan Day in 2014, they displayed 100 naked people that were again covered in fake blood.

Why would people go to these extremes?

The “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” suggests, “A mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning.”

Yep, that basically nails vegans.

Watch the madness in Central London here:

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