
Princeton Warns Against Using THIS Offensive Word On Campus

The Crazies Are Out Again

The feminists in Princeton University’s HR department are out of control. This week, they have cautioned against using certain words and phrases with “man” in them, because this kind of language:

“does not take into consideration individuals who identify as otherwise.”

The “Don’t Use” column of the “Guidelines for Using Gender Inclusive Language” includes language like “mankind,” “freshman,” and, thankfully, that heteronormative transphobic BS phrase “man and wife.”

The relatively new policy in effect at the Ivy League institution spells out the directive in a four-page memo that aims to make the department more gender inclusive.

Instead of using “man,” employees are told to use words such as human beings, individuals or people.

Other guidelines? Instead of “man and wife” use spouses or partners. Switch out “man made” with artificial, handmade or manufactured. Don’t use the verb “to man,” as in to work something, instead use to operate or to staff. Throw out workmanlike and replace it with skillful.

The memo goes on to list a variety of occupations that typically include the word “man” in them and offers replacements: business person instead of businessman, firefighter instead of fireman, ancestors instead of forefathers, and so on.

The memo goes on to state:

“Consistent with style guidelines issued by Princeton’s Office of Human Resources and Office of Communications, and as endorsed by the Institutional Equity Planning Group as a preferred University practice, HR has developed these gender inclusive style guidelines, to be utilized by all HR staff members in HR communications, policies, job descriptions, and job postings,”

Here at Meninist, we think the HR Department at Princeton should be fired, what do you think?

H/T: National Review and The College Fix

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